|F.A.E.F. (Federal Alliance of European Federalists)

Saturday, May 12th, at the Elio Quercioli foundation in Milan, a highly symbolic and promising declaration of intents was signed by 13 different organizations, movements and parties which are in favour of a more united and federal Europe.
This declaration was initially proposed by Lorenzo Sparviero, member and co-founder of the promoting committee of F.A.E.F. (Federal Alliance of European Federalists), then elaborated and prepared by the representatives of the following organizations:
- Comitato Milano Europea (FE); Antonio Lorenzo Sartori
- Comitato Ventotene; Michele Pernetti
- European City Teams; Giovanni Bertazzoli
- Federal Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF); Lorenzo Sparviero, Leo Klinkers, Mauro Casarotto
- Forza Europa; Martina Scaccabarozzi
- Giovani Democratici; Luca Loiero
- Volt; Mario Ferretti
- MFE Sondrio; Guido Monti
- GFE Sondrio; Aziz Sawadogo
- Futuredem; Giulia Iacovelli
- Gioventù federalista Europea; Matteo Gori
- Comitato Provinciale di Sondrio per l’Europa; Giuseppe Enrico Brivio
- + Europa Lario.
This declaration, for the first time, insists on the unavoidable need to have all the federalist movements cooperating together and uniting their forces in order to push for the creation of a federal process for Europe, through the development of a European Federal Constitution in order to finally create the ‘United States of Europe’.
FAEF hopes that this declaration will be soon be signed also by other movements, parties and organizations, regardless if at the local or central level, showing finally that we can, after 70 years, unify all of our efforts in order to achieve the common goal and common interest of all those different and independent organizations, namely the creation of a Federal Europe.
FAEF considers that this declaration can be nothing but a starting point for a strong and continuous cooperation between different organizations. FAEF will also propose to all the federalist and pro-European organizations the possibility to upgrade the declaration signed last Saturday in Milan, promoting a covenant (https://www.samenwereld.nl/covenant/) that can be considered a nucleus for a real bottom-up federal organization of all the federalists movements and parties. FAEF is proposing to act as an initial promoting committee for this process. This federal organization will be set up as an Association whose members are sovereign, autonomous and independent movements, represented in the General Assembly of the FAEF by one representative per movement, while an elected federal body will take care of the common interests of the members, the most important common interest being the creation of the ”United States of Europe”.
We thank all the representatives of the movements, parties and organizations that signed the declaration, and a special thank goes to the Member of the City Council of Milan, Carmine Pacente, President of Commission of International Affairs and European policies who attended and participated in the meeting at the Elio Quercioli foundation which we thank for the hospitality.
”Europe will be federal or will not be ! ”
Translation of the declaration
Common declaration of intents for a Federal Europe
We want a truly federal Europe, no more referrals and hesitations!
On May 12th 2018, on the occasion of the March for Europe Milan 2018 organized by the Comitato Ventotene (Ventotene Committee), the following movements and associations signed.
We appeal to the militants of our movements and our associations to mobilize through a common and coordinated action to:
● reaffirm the necessity and urgency of creating a federal Europe based on a Constitutional Charter and which goes beyond the current treaties or intergovernmental agreements that characterize the present hybrid confederalism of the EU and strongly limit its capacity to act for the wellbeing of citizens;
● raise awareness about the limits of the current European structure and the need for a federal model.
Our appeal is our response, as signatories, to the growing crisis of trust in liberal democracy and the European dream.
We want a Union that really knows how to protect its fellow citizens from the continuous challenges that the globalized world creates. A Europe that proves to be a political community and not an instrument at the service of national interests.
Milan, May 12th, 2018Milan, May 12th 20183/17
Lorenzo Sparviero, Leo Klinkers, Mauro Casarotto, Peter Hovens, FAEF Promoting committee